Charlene Fate
1 min readAug 4, 2021


This Twitter thread helps explain why many people are still wary about getting vaccinated including people that believe in being vaccinated. I’m not saying they are right or wrong but it helps to understand why people are behaving the way that they are.

Some Highlights:

Imagine you’re a normal person. The year is 2016. Rightly or wrongly, you believe most of what you see in the media.

You believe polls are broadly reflective of public opinion. You believe doctors and scientists are trustworthy and independent. You’re a decent, reasonable person who follows the rules and trusts authority.

Imagine your shock then, when Brexit, which you were assured won’t happen because it’s a fringe movement led by racists for racists, happens. The polls, which widely predicted it wouldn’t happen were completely wrong.

Imagine that you still want to believe the media and their experts, but now that requires you to think your country is racist, men are bad and gender is a social construct, whatever that means.

It is at this point that a pandemic emerges on the other side of the world.

Imagine your confusion as the same people who have spent 3 months telling you masks don’t work and you shouldn’t wear them introduce mask mandates. We’re “following the science” they tell you. This makes little sense but a pandemic is no time for questions.

See the full thread on Twitter. It’s an interesting read.



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