Charlene Fate
2 min readOct 29, 2018


The Hash Tag That Is Changing The World

And Triggering Thousands Of Retweets


Columnist and international brand ambassador Marsha Wright created a motivational Twitter movement with the unique hash tag ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha. When I use the hash tag my tweets receive massive exposure. When I tweet to my followers, I average about 30 impressions per tweet. When I use the phenomenal hash tag my impressions jump into the thousands and I gain more authentic followers. Her influence expertly penetrates the Twitter sphere.

The Movement

Twitter users can tweet encouraging quotes and wisdom with the hash tag and Ms. Wright retweets to her almost 600 thousand followers. To date, she has shared over 1.5 million tweets. It works! Everyone can use a little encouragement and when you search the hash tag you are immediately inundated with positive encouragement.

Who is @marshawright?

Ms. Wright is a world-renowned TV Business Expert, International #1 Bestselling Author, Serial-Entrepreneur, Syndicated Columnist and Strategic Alliances Expert whose global enterprises serve clients in no less than 20 countries.

The rules

To keep her movement grounded and unfiltered from distractions, she has a few rules to follow if you want to have your tweet retweeted to thousands of organic followers.


The reason I like the movement is simple. I like the movement because there is a lot of criticism, judgement, and overall negativity permeating the internet these days. It’s comforting to know that just by using a simple hash tag I can enter an environment of love, uplifting support, and overall positive interactions.


